災害心理研究所 The Center for Psychological Studies of Disaster



 当研究所が行ってきた福島第一原発事故の心理的影響に関する論文が,昨年,11月に公開されました。論文のタイトルは11-year trends of psychological impact on Fukushima mothers and children post-nuclear accidentです。Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology誌に掲載されました。

 同論文では原発事故直後の2011年7月に,低線量放射線汚染地域である福島市で暮らす幼稚園児,小学生と,彼らの母親を対象に調査を実施し,その後,2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016年までの5年間と,事故から11年が経過した2022年にデータを集め,事故が母子の心に与えた影響を分析したものです。




Our research institute's paper on the psychological impact of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident was published in November of last year. The title of the paper is "11-Year Trends of Psychological Impact on Fukushima Mothers and Children Post-Nuclear Accident", and it was published in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.

In this study, we conducted a survey in July 2011, shortly after the nuclear accident, targeting kindergarteners, elementary school children, and their mothers living in Fukushima City, a region with low-dose radiation contamination. Subsequently, we collected data annually for five years (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016) and again in 2022, 11 years after the accident, to analyze the impact of the disaster on the psychological well-being of mothers and children.

Here is the link to the paper. We would be delighted if many people take the time to read it.

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